Friday, November 5, 2010

First blog post

Hi, my name is George Chan. I am a junior at CUNY Hunter College at New York, studying computer science. My interests is primarily programming, and studying different kind of algorithms. I also very much interested in going to graduate program, and possibly teaching as well. Although I am starting a programming tutorial blog, but I am very much still a student myself. I want to share the experience I got while learning programming.

This blog is served as the main website before I have time to actually have time and the skill create a website. I think it is more important to have a good amount of contents, rather than a flashy website. The goal of this blog is to share my experience as a student learning c++, and give some of my insight to my friends here. There will be a few different kind of materials in this blog, primary will disusing the developing process of my projects, and what is in my mind when I am designing the application.

I hope at the end of it, I can gather up everything here in the blog and create a detailed Qt tutorial based, walk through tutorial. It will be targeted the student who finished csci 235, and teach them how to create GUI using the Qt graphical engine. In our school, we do not have class specially designed to teach students making GUI application. The most we have closest to that is csci493 Window Programming. However, besides that one, I don't think there are much else for us to learn about GUI. And please notice, I am actually still in the process of learning about it too! So you can also see how I am learning it too :)

Lastly, just to be sure, this blog and the youtube channel used to host the video has no relationship with hunter college or cuny or anything else. All the content here only represent my own opinions and thoughts, it does not represent hunter college. And hunter college computer department has nothing to do with this blog as well. If anything on this blog or youtube channel affected the policy of the school or with anyone, please free feel to contact me at this email.

My email address: ywchan(at)hunter(dot)cuny(dot)edu

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