Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog Index

I have been writing tutorials and posting different projects for a while now, I decided to write an index for easy look up for the different post. They are divided to a few section as the follow. I hope you can find what you are looking for, if not, try to use the search feature located in the lower right side. If you have an question, please feel free to email me or leave me a message in the comment.

Python Tutorial
  • Python Reference
    A list of useful website and textbook review
  • Basic Hello World, declare variables, simple for loop control statement
  • Nested for loops, list, counting, if statement
  • Introduction to function, string's class function, useful tip for handling string
  • Opening a file, and using everything we know together. Additional to a brief review practice problem, introduce dictionary
    Talks about function, what are they, how to define them
    A taste of python's GUI, Tkinter. Introducing the title, frame, button, input widget, and what they can do with each other
    Discuss what are the build-in data type (Object) in Python
    Document Integer, Float, Long, and Complex number
    Some notes I have on python's class, tkinter's other module
  • csci133ifelif
    Demonstration of the uses of if and elif (else-if) keyword
    Classic how to clean up a string and storing the string's corresponding line numbers, it discuss the use all the things we learned so far
    Some notes on the python's class, and subclass too
    Example of why nest while loop is bad, and how to use one if you really must have it. Plus counter solutions.
    An example of how to validate input of telephone number in a specific format, demonstrating simple use of regular expression in python.
    Simple exercise program to calculate the grade point average
    A game of rock, paper, scissor implemented in python
    An example of how to make a clock with tkinter in Python
    A tutorial on how to build a timer with tkinter in Python

Stackoverflow Goodies

C++ Tutorial

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