Take a look at the example for the dictionary below
passwords = {'george':'dog', 'gerry':'cat', 'stephen':'chicken'} name = input('Username: ') password = input('Password: ') if name == passwords[password]: print('Correct, welcome:', name) else: print('Sorry, bad password.')Output:
Username: george Password: dog Correct, welcome: george Username: george Password: cat Sorry, bad password.Reference: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries
And lastly, we can not use a list as the key either, because you can modify a list by accessing it with the index assignment, slice assignment or other methods. You create a dictionary with a pair of braces{}, it is now an empty dictionary. You separate the entries by comma, and you give the value to the key by :. key: value is the syntax for the dictionary entries.
- keys(), which return a list of all the keys used in the dictionary
- del dictionary[key], delete the key:value pair
- if you store a key that is already has a value, the old value will be gone
- the keys can be strings and numbers
- the value can be objects of any kind
passwords['george'] # Return value will be 'dog'Look at line 4, there is a if statement, similar to C++, if is a control flow statement. You can write a else statement that allow it to be executed when the if statement condition is not satisfy. But you can just use if statement by itself too.
myNum = 10 if myNum > 5: print('My number is greater than 5') # Totally cool tooSo, now you know for loop, you know how to open a file, and a if else. Let's start to create some program with them. It is like lego, when you have more parts, you can create more complex (powerful) projects.
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